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Sales is just a game..

You need to learn how to play

How can we help you play...

Sales person on the phone following a sales process

Create a repeatable process!

Take the guess work out of your day to day work, create a process that you know will create results day after day, year after year.

Sales person on the phone with a higher close rate

Increase your close rate!

Stop spending time on prospects that will never buy, following our process will allow you to quickly qualify out prospects that wont buy and spend the time closing prospects that will.

Sales person on the phone spending less time closing

Reduce your time to close!

Our process will enable you to take a buyer centric approach with the right prospects. Using techniques like our new mutual action plan will allow you to reduce the time to close by up to 33%.

Sales has changed

Lets take a look at how sales has changed

Sales then

This is the best deal you can get. Take it while it lastsFamiliar with this sales sentence? Traditional sales used these tactics because customers were less sophisticated, competition was low and they had poor means of communication

Sales now

The game of sales has changed. We now don't sell to everybody, we qualify out people we genuinely cant add value to. We learn the prospects business model and pains and become trusted advisors. We nolonger offer deals, we sell based on tangible value and trust.

Key Difference

We now solve for our customer, we work as advisors with the right prospects. Instead of scare tactics into buying, we use tactics to get to the root cause of the pain fast so we dont waste time. Sales is now about psychology.

Ready to play the Game?

Learn how you can take control of your sales process for good with Secret Sauce Sales Coaching